County courthouses historically served as the civic focal point for many early Texas communities, acting as the seat of county government and as a supporting pillar for commerce and economic development. The courthouses also provided the earliest environment for social functions such as dances, county fairs, and public meetings. Today these buildings retain their position as a key anchor for their community’s central business district.
Common historic courthouse issues include foundation settlement, cracked masonry, deteriorated windows and doors, damaged interior finishes, leaking roofs, and outdated mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems. Our firm’s principals have over twenty-five years dedicated to solving problems for historic Texas courthouses. We provide full architectural services and the expertise we bring to these projects includes master planning, condition assessments, cost estimating, grant applications support, historic designation nominations, architectural design, and construction contract administration. We have worked with many counties through the Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program (THCPP) grant process, administered by the Texas Historical Commission. Courthouse architecture is the heart of Texas communities.

Museum (former courthouse)
Colorado Courthouse Photography by Brian Mihealsick.
Historic Images courtesy of Donley County. All Other Images by Hutson Gallagher, LLC.